Different Ways Your News Could Be Untrue

Kirsten Taylor
2 min readApr 10, 2021

Your news may not always be as true as you think it is. There are five different ways your news could be skewed, whether intentionally or not. Let’s go over the Taxonomy of Skewed News.

Here is a diagram of the different categories.

What kind of misinformation are we looking at?

First we have Fake News. These stories are totally made up, and meant to confuse or mislead. Some popular examples of this would be the former president’s tweets about the “stolen election.”

Then, there’s Propaganda, like this story. Propaganda may have some factual basis but there is no actual evidence to support claims. This is usually an attempt to manipulate the reader. This story could be posted in an effort to make the reader feel more strongly about reopening schools.

Here is the one you see most often- News with a POV. There may be facts in the story, but the source has an obvious bias.

One fun type of skewed news is Satire, or Parody. This is usually humorous and intentionally untrue, used to comment on social issues and draw attention to missed details.

Here is one example:

Lastly, we have the Good Faith Error. This is where reporters make everyday mistakes. These can be prevented using best practices.

There are many different ways your news could be fooling you. Maybe, after going through this list, you will be able to better identify what the intent is behind the news you’re reading. Just remember: double check your sources before you share misinformation.

